1. What is a Webhook in Docsumo?

A Webhook is a feature that allows you to receive real-time notifications of events or changes from Docsumo. More details are available at: Docsumo Support.

2. How do I set up a Webhook in Docsumo?

Set up a Webhook by configuring the endpoint URL and event triggers in your Docsumo account settings. Setup instructions are available at: Docsumo Support.

3. What types of events can trigger a Webhook?

Webhooks can be triggered by various events such as document uploads, processing status changes, and extraction results. Event types are detailed at: Docsumo Support.

4. How do I test a Webhook setup?

Test a Webhook by sending test events and verifying that your endpoint receives the correct data. Testing instructions are provided at: Docsumo Support.

5. What should I do if my Webhook is not working?

Troubleshoot Webhook issues by checking the endpoint configuration, reviewing event logs, and verifying network connectivity. Troubleshooting steps are available at: Docsumo Support.

6. Can I use Webhooks with multiple endpoints?

Yes, you can configure Webhooks to send notifications to multiple endpoints if needed. Multi-endpoint setup details are available at: Docsumo Support.

7. How do I secure my Webhook endpoint?

Secure your Webhook endpoint by implementing authentication, using HTTPS, and validating incoming requests. Security guidelines are provided at: Docsumo Support.

8. Can Webhooks be used for data synchronization?

Yes, Webhooks can be used for real-time data synchronization between Docsumo and other systems. Synchronization details are available at: Docsumo Support.

9. How do I handle large volumes of Webhook events?

Handle large volumes by optimizing your endpoint to process events efficiently and implementing queuing mechanisms if necessary. Handling instructions are provided at: Docsumo Support.

10. What data is included in Webhook notifications?

Webhook notifications typically include event details, document identifiers, and processing statuses. Data details are available at: Docsumo Support.

11. How do I manage Webhook event retries?

Manage event retries by implementing retry logic in your endpoint and configuring retry policies if available. Retry management instructions are provided at: Docsumo Support.

12. Can I filter Webhook events?

Yes, you can filter Webhook events based on criteria such as event type or document status. Filtering instructions are available at: Docsumo Support.

13. How do I update or change a Webhook configuration?

Update a Webhook configuration by modifying the endpoint URL or event triggers in your Docsumo settings. Update instructions are provided at: Docsumo Support.

14. What are the best practices for using Webhooks?

Best practices include securing endpoints, handling retries gracefully, and testing thoroughly. Best practices are detailed at: Docsumo Support.

15. Can I use Webhooks to trigger workflows in other systems?

Yes, Webhooks can trigger workflows in other systems by sending data to external endpoints. Workflow triggering details are available at: Docsumo Support.

16. How do I log Webhook events?

Log Webhook events by implementing logging in your endpoint and reviewing event logs in your Docsumo account. Logging instructions are provided at: Docsumo Support.

17. What should I do if I receive duplicate Webhook notifications?

Handle duplicate notifications by implementing idempotency checks and ensuring your endpoint processes each event only once. Handling instructions are available at: Docsumo Support.

18. Can I customize the Webhook payload?

Customization of the Webhook payload is limited to the data provided by Docsumo. Payload details are available at: Docsumo Support.

19. How do I delete or deactivate a Webhook?

Delete or deactivate a Webhook by removing the configuration from your Docsumo account settings. Deactivation instructions are available at: Docsumo Support.

20. Where can I find more information about Webhooks?

Additional information and support for Webhooks can be found in the Docsumo support documentation. More details are available at: Docsumo Support.