USA payslip is a document that outlines an employee's earnings and deductions for a specific pay period.
API Upload
The type
parameter is us_payslip
for the Upload endpoint.
Field Descriptions:
The model automatically detects data such as:
Session Name | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Employer Information | Full Name | String | Full name of the employer |
Employer Information | Address | String | Address of the employer |
Employee Information | Full Name | String | Full name of the employee |
Employee Information | Address | String | Address of the employee |
Employee Information | Taxpayer ID | String | Taxpayer ID of the employee |
Employee Information | Employee ID | String | Employee ID |
Earnings Information | Regular Rate | Number | Regular hourly rate |
Earnings Information | Regular Hours | Number | Regular hours worked |
Earnings Information | Regular Current | Number | Current earnings for regular work |
Earnings Information | Regular YTD | Number | Year-to-date earnings for regular work |
Tax Deduction Information | Federal Current | Number | Current federal tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | Federal YTD | Number | Year-to-date federal tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | State Current | Number | Current state tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | State YTD | Number | Year-to-date state tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | Social Security Current | Number | Current Social Security tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | Social Security YTD | Number | Year-to-date Social Security tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | Medicare Current | Number | Current Medicare tax deduction |
Tax Deduction Information | Medicare YTD | Number | Year-to-date Medicare tax deduction |
Gross Earning Information | Current | Number | Current gross earnings |
Gross Earning Information | YTD | Number | Year-to-date gross earnings |
Net Earning Information | Current | Number | Current net earnings |
Net Earning Information | YTD | Number | Year-to-date net earnings |
Payslip Information | Pay Date | Date | Date of pay |
Payslip Information | Period Beginning | Date | Beginning of pay period |
Payslip Information | Period Ending | Date | End of pay period |
- USA payslips
The model might also work with other countries. You can use this as a base model or train your own new model using just 50 samples. Here are the details:
- Beta
Sample USA Payslip

Sample JSON Output
"data": {
"Employer Information": {
"Full Name": {
"value": "XYZ Stores",
"position": [130, 95, 220, 111],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Address": {
"value": "123 45th St New York, NY, 10000",
"position": [131, 117, 301, 154],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Employee Information": {
"Full Name": {
"value": "Isaiah Jones",
"position": [466, 154, 579, 173],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Address": {
"value": "4567 98th Ave New York, NY 11111",
"position": [465, 182, 648, 223],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Marital Status": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Taxpayer ID": {
"value": "xxx-xx-xxxx",
"position": [256, 192, 375, 207],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Employee ID": {
"value": "000560",
"position": [253, 212, 319, 227],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Employment Information": {
"Department": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Designation": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Hire Date": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Earnings Information": {
"Regular Rate": {
"value": "10.00",
"position": [270, 317, 320, 330],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Regular Hours": {
"value": "50.00",
"position": [387, 317, 442, 330],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Regular Current": {
"value": "500.00",
"position": [535, 317, 601, 330],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Regular YTD": {
"value": "3000.00",
"position": [660, 317, 737, 329],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Tax Deduction Information": {
"Federal Current": {
"value": "25.00",
"position": [545, 467, 598, 480],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Federal YTD": {
"value": "150.00",
"position": [678, 466, 741, 480],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"State Current": {
"value": "4.00",
"position": [556, 537, 598, 551],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"State YTD": {
"value": "24.00",
"position": [686, 538, 740, 551],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Social Security Current": {
"value": "15.00",
"position": [549, 491, 602, 505],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Social Security YTD": {
"value": "90.00",
"position": [686, 491, 738, 503],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Medicare Current": {
"value": "2.00",
"position": [557, 513, 600, 527],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Medicare YTD": {
"value": "12.00",
"position": [688, 513, 742, 527],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Medical Deduction Information": {
"401K Current": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"401K YTD": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Health Insurance Current": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Health Insurance YTD": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Total Deduction Information": {
"Current": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"YTD": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Gross Earning Information": {
"Current": {
"value": "$ 650.00",
"position": [516, 386, 602, 402],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"YTD": {
"value": "3150.00",
"position": [663, 388, 739, 401],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Net Earning Information": {
"Current": {
"value": "604.00",
"position": [535, 586, 602, 599],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"YTD": {
"value": "276.00",
"position": [674, 586, 740, 600],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Payslip Information": {
"Check Number": {
"value": "",
"position": [],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Pay Date": {
"value": "03/01/2017",
"position": [625, 94, 701, 108],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Period Beginning": {
"value": "02/16/2017-",
"position": [537.2, 73.8, 616.5, 96.7],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
"Period Ending": {
"value": "02/28/2017",
"position": [625, 80, 703, 92],
"confidence": 1.0,
"review_required": false
Updated over 1 year ago