Custom Code Version History

  1. What is Custom Code Version History?
    Custom Code Version History tracks changes and updates made to custom code used in Docsumo workflows. More details are available here.

  2. How do I view the version history of my custom code?
    View version history through the custom code management interface in your Docsumo account. Viewing instructions are provided here.

  3. Can I revert to a previous version of custom code?
    Yes, you can revert to previous versions using the version history interface. Reversion instructions are available here.

  4. How is version history useful for managing custom code?
    It helps in tracking changes, identifying issues, and ensuring that code updates are managed effectively. Benefits are explained here.

  5. Can version history be used to compare different versions of custom code?
    Yes, you can compare versions to see changes and differences. Comparison instructions are available here.

  6. How do I access version history for troubleshooting?
    Access version history through the custom code management tools to review changes and identify potential issues. Troubleshooting instructions are available here.

  7. Are there any limits to the number of versions that can be tracked?
    Limits may apply based on your plan or storage capacity. Details on limits are provided here.

  8. How do I document changes made in each version?
    Document changes by adding notes or comments when saving new versions. Documentation tips are available here.

  9. Can version history be exported or shared?
    Export or share version history through available options in the custom code management interface. Export instructions are provided here.

  10. What should I do if I cannot find a previous version?
    Check the version history interface for filters or search options, and contact support if issues persist. Help with version history is available here.