Find and Replace within Tables

The "Find and Replace" feature provides an efficient way to locate and replace text within tables, saving time and effort.

How It Works:

Step 1: Find and Replace Button

  • Select the Find and Replace button located at the top of the tables.

Step 2: Search Panel

  • Clicking the button opens a panel with the following fields:
    • Find In: Select a specific column or all columns.
    • Search Text Field: Enter the text you want to find.
    • Match Case: Option to match case and entire cell content.
    • Regular Expression: Option to search using regular expressions.

Step 3: Replace Functionality

  • Replace With: Enter the text you want to replace the found occurrences with.

Should you have any questions or encounter any issues during the process, feel free reach out to us at, and we'll be more than happy to help you.