
  1. What is Auto-Split?
    Auto-Split is a feature that automatically divides large documents into smaller, manageable sections for easier processing and extraction. Learn more here.

  2. How do I enable Auto-Split for my documents?
    Enable Auto-Split through the document settings in the Docsumo dashboard. Detailed instructions are available here.

  3. What types of documents benefit from Auto-Split?
    Large or multi-page documents, such as contracts or reports, benefit from Auto-Split to improve processing efficiency. More details are provided here.

  4. Can Auto-Split be customized?
    Yes, you can customize split criteria such as page numbers or content types to suit your needs. Customization instructions are available here.

  5. How do I adjust Auto-Split settings?
    Adjust settings through the configuration menu where you can specify split parameters and options. Adjustment details are provided here.

  6. What should I do if Auto-Split does not work as expected?
    Check settings for accuracy, ensure documents meet the criteria, and consult the troubleshooting guide. Troubleshooting tips are available here.

  7. How does Auto-Split affect data extraction?
    Auto-Split ensures that each section of the document is processed individually, which can enhance extraction accuracy and efficiency. Impact details are provided here.

  8. Can Auto-Split be applied to scanned documents?
    Yes, Auto-Split can be applied to scanned documents, but ensure that image quality is adequate for effective splitting. Scanned document instructions are available here.

  9. How do I monitor the performance of Auto-Split?
    Monitor performance through processing reports and status updates provided in the dashboard. Monitoring instructions are available here.

  10. Are there any limitations to the Auto-Split feature?
    Limitations may include issues with documents that do not have clear sections or boundaries. More information on limitations is available here.