Filter (Upcoming)

How to Use Filters?

  1. Accessing the Filter Panel
    1. Navigate to the Data Table section.
    2. Click on the Filter button at the top of the table.
    3. The filter panel will open, allowing you to define conditions.

  2. Applying Filters
    1. Choose a Column – Select the field (e.g., Name, Address, Invoice Number) to filter.
    2. Set a Condition – Pick from available conditions, such as:
      1. Contains / Doesn’t Contain – Text-based filtering.
      2. Equals / Not Equals – Exact match filtering.
      3. Greater Than / Less Than – Numeric or date-based conditions.
    3. Enter a Value – Provide the specific term or number you want to filter by.
    4. Add Multiple Filters (Optional) – Click the "+" icon to apply additional filters.
    5. Select Logical Operators:
      1. AND – Shows results that match all applied filters.
      2. OR – Shows results that match any of the filters.

  3. Applying or Clearing Filters
    1. Click Apply Filter to see the filtered results.
    2. Click Remove All Filters to reset the table view.