API, Web and Email Upload Limits

This document outlines the limits and supported configurations for uploading files via the Web app, API, and Email.

1. Web App Upload

  • Size per file: Up to 25 MB
  • Number of pages per document: 20
  • Number of documents per upload: 100
  • Supported file types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .tiff, .tif, .xlsx (for Profit & Loss, Rent Roll, and Balance Sheet document types only)

2. API Upload

  • Size per file: Up to 25 MB
  • Number of pages per document: 20
  • Number of documents per API call: 1
  • Supported file types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .tiff, .tif, .xlsx (for Profit & Loss, Rent Roll, and Balance Sheet document types only)

3. Email Upload

  • Size per email: Total email size should be less than 25 MB (including attachments)
  • Number of documents per email: 100
  • Number of pages per document: 20
  • Supported file types: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .zip, .tiff, .tif



  • All documents in .zip archives are extracted, and only supported file types (.png, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .tiff, .tif) are uploaded.
  • The number of documents per API call is calculated after unzipping the files.
  • Documents with more than 20 pages are processed, but data extraction is only performed on the first 20 pages. The same pages are pushed to the review queue.
  • Files must be added as attachments, not embedded images in the email body.
    Click here to learn more on how to extract information from email body.
  • Attachments smaller than 5 KB are not uploaded.

Email Upload Failure Reasons

Here is a list of common reasons why file uploads might fail:

  • File is too small: Attachments smaller than 5 KB are not uploaded (e.g., signature icons or small icons).
  • File limit exceeded: More than 100 documents were attached in a single email.
  • Invalid file type: Supported file extensions such as .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, and .pdf are required. Other file types are not permitted.
  • No attachment: No file was attached to the email. Click here to learn how to enable email body parsing.
  • Email size exceeds limit: The total size of the email exceeds 25 MB. This limitation is controlled by the email client; no error email will be sent in this case.

Attached is a sample email which the user will receive in case of email upload failure:

Following error messages that will help user to identify the cause of the email upload failure.

Error Message on email:

  1. image_less_than_5kb: Attachments smaller than 5 KB are not uploaded
  2. invalid_file_type: If the file is not one of the supported extensions.
  3. file_limit_exceeded: More than 100 files per email.
  4. no_attachment: No file was attached to the email.