Additional Parameters

The additional parameters to customise the configuration of model training

The list of parameters that can be included in the configuration settings for model training are as follows:

Parameter nameDescriptionDefault valueAccepted Values
page_startThis lets you select a start point for the pages you want to work with. Numbering begins from 0, so use '0' for the first page.0int
page_endAllows you to select an end point for the pages. So, for the fifth page, you would input '4'.

Note: To select a single page, set both page_start and page_end to the same value. for e.g to select page number 1 only, then page_start and page_end value must be 1.
sortEnables sorting of data in order of 'block' or 'line'.blockstring
seedBy entering a seed value, you can replicate the same train and test sets.Noneint
labels_to_trainAllows you to train a model with filtered list of fields. Params is provided in the form of comma separated values of { section name (3 ) field name }:
labels_to_skipAllows you to train a model without the filtered list of fields. Params is provided in the form of comma separated values of { section name (3 ) field name }: