Assigned Team

  1. What is the Assigned Team feature?
    The Assigned Team feature allows you to designate specific team members to manage and process documents within Docsumo. Learn more here.

  2. How do I assign team members to specific tasks?
    Assign team members by accessing the team management section and selecting the relevant tasks or documents for assignment. Instructions are detailed here.

  3. Can I see which tasks are assigned to each team member?
    Yes, you can view assigned tasks and their statuses in the team management dashboard. Viewing options are available here.

  4. How do I reassign tasks to different team members?
    Reassign tasks by selecting the task in the team management section and choosing a new team member. Reassignment instructions are provided here.

  5. What permissions are available for team members?
    Permissions include viewing, editing, and managing documents and tasks. Permissions can be customized based on team roles. More details are available here.

  6. How do I manage team member roles and permissions?
    Manage roles and permissions through the team settings section where you can assign different access levels. Management instructions are provided here.

  7. Can I set up notifications for assigned tasks?
    Yes, notifications can be set up to alert team members about new or updated tasks. Notification setup instructions are available here.

  8. How do I track the progress of assigned tasks?
    Track progress through the team management dashboard, which provides updates and status reports on assigned tasks. Tracking details are available here.

  9. Can I remove team members from tasks?
    Yes, you can remove team members from tasks by updating the task assignment settings. Removal instructions are detailed here.

  10. What should I do if a team member is unavailable?
    Reassign tasks to other available team members or adjust task deadlines as necessary. Management options are available here.