Flood Certification

A "Flood Certification," also known as a "Flood Zone Determination," is a document that specifies the flood zone status of real property. It is used to determine whether a property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the United States. Here's a more detailed definition.

API Upload

The type parameter is flood_certification for the Upload endpoint.

Field Descriptions:

The model automatically detects data such as:

Session NameField NameData TypeDescription
Basic InformationOMB Control NoStringOMB control number
Basic InformationExpiresDateExpiration date
Lender DetailCustomer NumberStringCustomer number
Lender DetailCompany NameStringLender company name
Lender DetailCompany AddressStringLender company address
Lender DetailDelivery MethodStringDelivery method
Lender DetailLender IdStringLender ID
Lender DetailLoan IdentifierStringLoan identifier
Lender DetailAmount of Flood Insurance RequiredStringAmount of flood insurance required
Collateral DetailBorrower NameStringBorrower name
Collateral DetailDetermination AddressStringDetermination address
Collateral DetailAPN Tax IDStringAPN/Tax ID
Collateral DetailSDStringSurvey district
Collateral DetailSectionStringSection
Collateral DetailTownshipStringTownship
Collateral DetailLotStringLot number
Collateral DetailPhaseStringPhase
Collateral DetailRangeStringRange
Collateral DetailBlockStringBlock number
NFIP Community JurisdictionNFIP Community NameStringNFIP community name
NFIP Community JurisdictionCountyStringCounty name
NFIP Community JurisdictionStateStringState
NFIP Community JurisdictionNFIP Community NumberStringNFIP community number
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeNFIP Map Number or Community Panel NumberStringNFIP map/panel number
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeNFIP Map Panel Effective Revised DateDateNFIP map panel effective/revised date
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeLetter of Map ChangeBooleanLetter of map change indicator
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeDateDateLetter of map change date
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeCase NumberStringLetter of map change case number
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeFlood ZoneStringFlood zone
NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile HomeNo NFIP MapBooleanNo NFIP map indicator
Federal Flood Insurance AvailabilityFederal Flood Insurance is availableBooleanFederal flood insurance available indicator
Federal Flood Insurance AvailabilityRegular ProgramBooleanRegular program indicator
Federal Flood Insurance AvailabilityEmergency Program of NFIPBooleanEmergency program indicator
Federal Flood Insurance AvailabilityFederal Flood Insurance is not availableBooleanFederal flood insurance not available indicator
Federal Flood Insurance AvailabilityFederal Flood Insurance may not be availableBooleanFederal flood insurance may not be available indicator
DeterminationIS BUILDING MOBILE HOME IN SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREABooleanBuilding/mobile home in flood hazard area indicator
HMDA InformationHMDA StateStringHMDA state code
HMDA InformationHMDA CountyStringHMDA county code
HMDA InformationMSA MDStringMSA/MD code
HMDA InformationCTStringCensus tract code
Preparer InformationNameStringPreparer name
Preparer InformationAddressStringPreparer address
Preparer InformationPhoneStringPreparer phone number
Preparer InformationFaxStringPreparer fax number
Preparer InformationDate of DeterminationDateDetermination date
Preparer InformationOrder NumberStringOrder number
Extra InformationCertificate TypeStringCertificate type
Extra InformationCommentsStringComments
ErrorError MessageStringError message

### Version

  • 1.0.0


Sample JSON Output

{ "data": { "Basic Information": { "OMB Control No": { "value": "1234-5678", "position": [ 1329, 121, 1647, 149 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Expires": { "value": "10/31/18", "position": [ 1549, 149, 1647, 177 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "Lender Detail": { "Customer Number": { "value": "1234567890", "position": [ 52, 289, 175, 313 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Company Name": { "value": "ABC Company", "position": [ 52, 340, 199, 365 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Company Address": { "value": "123 JOY LANE 5TH FLOOR NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA, 91605", "position": [ 50, 365, 400, 441 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Delivery Method": { "value": "ABC-COM - WEB", "position": [ 233, 480, 409, 505 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Lender Id": { "value": "12345", "position": [ 194, 543, 255, 567 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Loan Identifier": { "value": "12345", "position": [ 653, 550, 715, 575 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Amount of Flood Insurance Required": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true } }, "Collateral Detail": { "Borrower Name": { "value": "XYZ COMPANY", "position": [ 638, 289, 801, 313 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Determination Address": { "value": "323 HERITAGE ROAD PARKER, SD 12345-6789 AURORA COUNTY", "position": [ 638, 343, 902, 421 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "APN Tax ID": { "value": "12345", "position": [ 756, 431, 817, 457 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "SD": { "value": "15", "position": [ 677, 455, 702, 480 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Section": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Township": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Lot": { "value": "12345", "position": [ 1188, 432, 1250, 457 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Phase": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Range": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Block": { "value": "12345", "position": [ 1464, 432, 1526, 457 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "NFIP Community Jurisdiction": { "NFIP Community Name": { "value": "XYZ COMMUNITY", "position": [ 188, 708, 375, 733 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "County": { "value": "LOS ANGELES COUNTY CA", "position": [ 633, 708, 1078, 733 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "State": { "value": "CA", "position": [ 1047, 708, 1078, 733 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "NFIP Community Number": { "value": "111111", "position": [ 1314, 708, 1388, 733 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "NFIP Data Affecting Building Mobile Home": { "NFIP Map Number or Community Panel Number": { "value": "01234C1234F", "position": [ 221, 869, 362, 894 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "NFIP Map Panel Effective Revised Date": { "value": "11, 2018", "position": [ 774, 869, 860, 894 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Letter of Map Change": { "value": false, "position": [ 994, 825, 1023, 862 ], "confidence": 1, "review_required": false }, "Date": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Case Number": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Flood Zone": { "value": "X", "position": [ 311, 939, 326, 963 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "No NFIP Map": { "value": false, "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true } }, "Federal Flood Insurance Availability": { "Federal Flood Insurance is available": { "value": true, "position": [ 87, 1029, 114, 1055 ], "confidence": 1, "review_required": false }, "Regular Program": { "value": true, "position": [ 986, 1023, 1013, 1049 ], "confidence": 1, "review_required": false }, "Emergency Program of NFIP": { "value": false, "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Federal Flood Insurance is not available": { "value": false, "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true }, "Federal Flood Insurance may not be available": { "value": false, "position": [], "confidence": 0, "review_required": true } }, "Determination": { "IS BUILDING MOBILE HOME IN SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA": { "value": false, "position": [ 1548, 1278, 1575, 1303 ], "confidence": 1, "review_required": false } }, "HMDA Information": { "HMDA State": { "value": "00", "position": [ 1497, 1502, 1522, 1527 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "HMDA County": { "value": "014", "position": [ 1485, 1530, 1522, 1555 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "MSA MD": { "value": "11014", "position": [ 1460, 1558, 1522, 1583 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "CT": { "value": "9039.01", "position": [ 1442, 1586, 1522, 1610 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "Preparer Information": { "Name": { "value": "Company Name Pvt. Ltd", "position": [ 526, 1975, 814, 2004 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Address": { "value": "221B Baker Street Third Floor Buffalo, NY 12345", "position": [ 526, 2005, 751, 2095 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Phone": { "value": "1.600.873.6640", "position": [ 1100, 2036, 1254, 2061 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Fax": { "value": "1.600.612.6380", "position": [ 1100, 2066, 1254, 2091 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Date of Determination": { "value": "December 11, 2010", "position": [ 1338, 1969, 1534, 1994 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Order Number": { "value": "1090930662", "position": [ 1377, 2058, 1500, 2083 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "Extra Information": { "Certificate Type": { "value": "LIFE OF LOAN DETERMINATIO N", "position": [ 53, 1786, 386, 1811 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false }, "Comments": { "value": "Optional Comment", "position": [ 51, 1459, 353, 1539 ], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } }, "Error": { "Error Message": { "value": "", "position": [], "confidence": 1.0, "review_required": false } } } }

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